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Ogos 31, 2010

Something to Share with You about Brunei


Located close to the equator, Brunei Darussalam enjoys moderate equatorial climate throughout the year with regular temperatures ranging between 23 degree celcius and 32 degree celcius. Although Brunei Darussalam does not have distinguishable wet or dry season, rain falls occur heaviest in September to January and May to July with March and April being the warmest months of the year; humidity is considered high throughout the year (an estimate of 79 per cent).

Brunei Darussalam also lies outside the typhoon belt that often plagues surrounding regions, while the occurrence of earthquakes and severe flooding are rare.

Language and Religion:

The official language is Malay or Bahasa Melayu. Other language include English and Chinese and its dialect.

The official religion is Islam, with a majority of the population being Muslim. Other religious beliefs, such as Christianity and Buddhism, can be found and are practised in Brunei Darussalam by other ethnic group.


Brunei is one of the oldest kingdoms in the region with more than 600 years recorded history. Islam, its state religion, has a great influence on the country's culture, customs and tradition. The Ministry of Religious Affairs actively fosters and promote Islam.

The Brunei Currency Board was established in 1967 with a sole responsibility of managing and issuing currency notes and coins in Brunei Darussalam. On June 12,1967, Brunei Darussalam began commencing issuance of its own currency.
The unit currency is Brunei Dollar (BND) divided into 100 cents. It is on par with the Singapore Dollar. and both are freely traded in their respect countries. The exchange rate of Brunei Dollar is roughly around 1.6 and currently there are no exchange controls in Brunei.

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