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Ogos 31, 2010


Brunei Darussalam is situated in the Southeastern region of Asia, Brunei Darussalam is harboured on the coasts of island of Borneo, the world's third largest island. Bordered by the Eastern Malaysian states of Sabah and Sarawak. The small kingdom of Brunei has a total land area of 5,765 sq km with 161km of palm-lined, blue watered coastlines along the South China Sea to its north.

Surrounded and divided into TWO by the MALAYSIAN state of Sarawak, Brunei Darussalam TWO enclaves which contain FOUR main districts, namely: Brunei Muara District, Tutong District, Belait District and Temburong District.

Brunei Muara is the smallest district in the country, but it is also the main centre of major economic and government administritive activities. it is also home to the capital, Bandar Seri Begawan and more than half of country's population.

Temburong district is the second largest and least populated district. Well known as Green Jewel Of Borneo. Because it is a very popular Eco-tourism hot spot, which boasts a vast tract of unspoilt natural habitat and rainforest's.

Tutong district, a thirty minutes drive from the capital, is the third largest of the country and is home to many of the country's ethnic tribes, such as Dusun, Murut, and Kedayan.

Belait district, the third largest district in the country with a land area of 2,727sq km. It is also the main production base on the nation's major economic resources which is OIL AND GAS.

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