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Ogos 31, 2010


check it out what we had offered you here, and lets having fun :)

SCUBA DIVING ? - scuba diving becoming another popular recreational activity in Brunei Darussalam with plentiful pristine beautiful coral reefs and shipwrecks attracting foreign and local interests. The Scubatech International are now offering you to do the scuba diving even it is your first time, they are also offered training course. You can just go to The Empire Hotel & Country Club or you just call directly 2418888.

WIND SURFING ? - A growing sports among the local community, wind surfing has become another popular recreational pastime in Brunei Darussalam. Take up one of the windsurfing training classes or opt to relax under the cool breeze while you sail across the water in a catamaran. 

A side windsurfing, Windsurfer's Beach also offers kayaks and other water sports equipment for rent or sale. For further information you can contact : 8636752

scuba diving

wind surfing


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